Contrary to what PEDANTIC botanists believe, PEAS PROCEED into APPEARANCE in sequence, not simultaneously. Within the PETITE PARAMETERS of the POD a PETTY, PERPLEXING, and PERMUTATIONAL society PERPETUATES itself. In this PANORAMA of PEAS the first PERSONA to occupy the POD was the PRESENTLY PAINED PERCIVAL [on the bottom]. At first the POD was a PRIVATE PARADISE for PERCIVAL. He was young, smooth, and PLUMP. Now he is old and wrinkled by the PRESSURE of the PACK above him. He tries to PERSEVERE as a PALL of PANIC settles on his face. It started when PATTERSON POPPED into view. At first the PAIR shared a PEACEFUL, PALATIAL PAD but PATTERSON became PAINSTAKINGLY PERNICKETY. Then came PETER. In contrast he seemed POSSESSED by a PASTORAL PEACEFULNESS and became the PATERNAL PACIFIER of the PACK. Then complications PROCEEDED in the arrival of PERT PULCHRITUDINOUS PEGGY. She quickly became the POPULAR PET of the POD, PAVING the way toward PALTRY PARTISAN POLITICS and PERNICIOUS PATTER. However PERSUASIVE PETER successfully PROVIDED a PACT of PEACE restoring harmony once again. Recently, just when things seemed PERFECT, a new arrival has PERTURBED them all in the form of PORKY, PERKY PUD (on the top). He smokes a stinky PANATELA and PERVERSELY PANTS with PATHETIC PASSION in PEGGY’S direction. Will PEACE PREVAIL over PETULANCE once again in this PARODY of human society?
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